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fast-vm User Guide

  • This is User Guide for fast-vm version 1.7.
  • Did you find a mistake/inaccuracy/missing information and you think you know how to fix it or expand it? Then edit this page on Github and once reviewed by author it will appear here.
  • Found a mistake but don’t know how to fix it or you would like to request some part to be documented in this guide? Please get in touch with the Author.
  • While fast-vm allows most of operations to be run as normal user this guide uses the # symbol to indicate commands that can be run and doesn’t necessarily require super user. This is for convenience when making copy&paste of commands to terminal which leads to command being copied and not executed as # comments it out.

1. What is fast-vm?

fast-vm is a script that provides command-line interface to create virtual machines (VMs) in libvirt based on imported disks in LVM and XML templates.

1.1. System requirements for running fast-vm

fast-vm needs several things for proper operation, the minimum is:

  • running and functional libvirt daemon (pulled in as dependency from fast-vm RPM packages)
  • user with access to libvirt (root or normal user with unrestricted read-write access to libvirt qemu:///system)
  • some templates to start with (you can also create your own, check the section Creating custom images)
  • LVM tools with thinpool capabilities (most of today’s distributions has this)
  • some space on LVM for fast-vm data (you can create also LVM on top of loopback device if you are out of space, check ADVANCED USAGE part)

1.2. How fast-vm works

Once configured, fast-vm stores the templates of VM disk drives (“images”) in LVM thinpool LV for space efficiency. Templates for VMs (“libvirt XML”) are just libvirt XMLs with few macros from fast-vm (full listing in fast-vm-image man page under title TEMPLATE MACROS).

When fast-vm is requested to create a VM, it will:

  1. Create new writable LVM snapshot of disk drive.
  2. Define libvirt VM for it (taking the libvirt XML, replacing macros and defining the VM using virsh define).
  3. Make a static DHCP reservation for libvirt network on which VM will be. (so you can have predictable IPv4 address of the VM).
  4. (optionally) After VM was defined in libvirt and all other tasks were done it can run so called ‘hack file’ that customize the image of VM further (one of use cases is to run guestfish tools to alter needed files on VM disk drive to achieve additional level of customization).

When fast-vm is requested to delete a VM, it will:

  1. Stop the VM forcefully if it is running.
  2. Remove static DHCP reservation from libvirt and send dhcp_release request when dnsmasq-tools are present.
  3. Remove the writable snapshot of machine.
  4. (optionally) Before undefining the VM from libvirt the so called ‘delete hack file’ can be run to do cleanup which can be a counter part to ‘hack file’ from VM creation time.
  5. Undefine the VM from libvirt.

1.3. What is fast-vm server?

From version 1.0, fast-vm provides feature that helps to identify which user on system created the VM. This allows for basic prevention of accidental removal of VMs by other users and enables the use in multi-user environment. fast-vm server in this document refers to any machine running fast-vm accessible by normal users that are in group allowed to use fast-vm. While the fast-vm can be used by individual it is can also used to provide access to multiple user so they can collaboratively access the VMs.

SECURITY NOTE: Typical installation of fast-vm suggest giving users full read/write access to libvirt daemon and several commands using ‘sudo’. Check the chapter Security information of this document to see why the fast-vm needs such access and feel free to further restrict actions you find appropriate.

1.4. Use cases for fast-vm

Suitable use cases:

  • “scratch machines” - machines that you use for few things and then you throw them away
  • automated deployment testing - as the fast-vm is easy to script and can wait until machine is up and running SSH this makes it great to use it for testing scripts for automation (ansible, puppet, etc.)
  • playing with clusters or system requiring many similar machines - the way fast-vm operates allows to provision quickly a lot of machines that are both independent and yet quite similar

Not very suitable use cases:

  • secure systems - fast-vm is trying to allow many users to access shared pool of images and VMs - this is going against preventing any users from access drives of other machines. By design it might not be easy or possible to guarantee the usage of fast-vm in environment where users must be strictly separated.

1.5. Concepts: Images, VM_number and VMs

Fast-vm is trying to simplify work with pre-prepared virtual machines and therefore most of the time you will already use machine that has some system installed on it. What system will be pre-installed on VM is determined by Image from which the VM was created. Images are usually named the way that it is easy to guess what system they contain (for example image name ‘debian-12.1’ will most probably contain Debian 12.1 system).

To identify the VMs, fast-vm uses VM_number as the name of your virtual machine. Number from range 20 to 220 (currently). So you don’t need to remember how have you named your VM you just need to remember the VM_number which is used with all VM operations to identify your VM.

Note: You can add notes/descriptions to VMs if you desire to have something like name (check fast-vm edit_note command).

2. Where to download and how to install fast-vm

Currently there are several methods for installation that are described below. If you are interested into making package for your distribution check out with the Author.

Useful links for fast-vm project:

2.1. Installation from package (RPM, DEB)

This type of installation is supported on latest releases of CentOS/RHEL/Fedora and Debian. Below are examples on how to install the current release on these distribution.

From fast-vm version 1.5 the CentOS/RHEL/Fedora also provides RPM package fast-vm-minimal with less dependencies. From that time by default the fast-vm package will pull in also the dependencies needed for some VM images and other useful packages to simplify the installation.

2.1.1. Fedora

The RPM builds for Fedora systems are done via COPR repositories and each Fedora release has a separate repository.The list of currently available Fedora repositories can be found in ‘Active Releases’ table at COPR: ondrejhome/fast-vm.

Example of enabling Fedora 40 fast-vm copr repository and installing fast-vm:

# curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/fast-vm.repo https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/ondrejhome/fast-vm/repo/fedora-40/ondrejhome-fast-vm-fedora-40.repo
# cat /etc/yum.repos.d/fast-vm.repo
name=Copr repo for fast-vm owned by ondrejhome
# dnf install fast-vm

2.1.2. CentOS 7.9

NOTE: CentOS 7.x is in EOL (end-of-life) phase. If you still plan installing fast-vm then make sure to use the latest version (7.9.2009) of repositories from vault.centos.org.

# curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/fast-vm.repo https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/ondrejhome/fast-vm/repo/epel-7/ondrejhome-fast-vm-epel-7.repo
# cat /etc/yum.repos.d/fast-vm.repo
name=Copr repo for fast-vm owned by ondrejhome
# curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/fast-vm-epel-deps.repo https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OndrejHome/fast-vm/master/fast-vm-epel-deps.repo
# cat /etc/yum.repos.d/fast-vm-epel-deps.repo
name=fast-vm dependencies from Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux $releasever - $basearch

NOTE: fast-vm can use few additional packages from epel (zstd, pv) for extra functionality. If you don’t want to use them you can remove /etc/yum.repos.d/fast-vm-epel-deps.repo file.

# yum install fast-vm zstd pv

2.1.3. Alma Linux 8.10

# curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/fast-vm.repo https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/ondrejhome/fast-vm/repo/epel-8/ondrejhome-fast-vm-epel-8.repo
# cat /etc/yum.repos.d/fast-vm.repo
name=Copr repo for fast-vm owned by ondrejhome
# curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/fast-vm-epel-deps.repo https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OndrejHome/fast-vm/master/fast-vm-epel-deps.repo
# cat /etc/yum.repos.d/fast-vm-epel-deps.repo
name=fast-vm dependencies from Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux $releasever - $basearch

NOTE: fast-vm can use few additional packages from epel (zstd, sshpass, pv) for extra functionality. If you don’t want to use them you can remove /etc/yum.repos.d/fast-vm-epel-deps.repo file.

# dnf install fast-vm

2.1.4. RHEL 7.9

On RHEL system some of dependencies are present only in rhel-7-server-optional-rpms and rhel-7-server-extras-rpms repository that needs to be activated before fast-vm installation.

# subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-optional-rpms --enable=rhel-7-server-extras-rpms
# curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/fast-vm.repo https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/ondrejhome/fast-vm/repo/epel-7/ondrejhome-fast-vm-epel-7.repo
# curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/fast-vm-epel-deps.repo https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OndrejHome/fast-vm/master/fast-vm-epel-deps-rhel7.repo

NOTE: fast-vm can use few additional packages from epel (zstd, pv) for extra functionality. If you don’t want to use them you can remove /etc/yum.repos.d/fast-vm-epel-deps.repo file.

# yum install fast-vm zstd pv

2.1.5. RHEL 8.10

# curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/fast-vm.repo https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/ondrejhome/fast-vm/repo/epel-8/ondrejhome-fast-vm-epel-8.repo
# curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/fast-vm-epel-deps.repo https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OndrejHome/fast-vm/master/fast-vm-epel-deps.repo

NOTE: fast-vm can use few additional packages from epel (sshpass, pv) for extra functionality. If you don’t want to use them you can remove /etc/yum.repos.d/fast-vm-epel-deps.repo file.

# dnf install fast-vm

2.1.6. Debian 12.7

If you plan using publicly available images from Author then also libguestfs-tools package is required for correct application of creation scripts and their proper functionality.

# apt-get install gdebi-core
# wget https://github.com/OndrejHome/fast-vm/releases/download/1.7/fast-vm_1.7_all-debian10.deb
# gdebi fast-vm_1.7_all-debian10.deb

2.1.7. Ubuntu 20.04

# apt-get install gdebi-core
# wget https://github.com/OndrejHome/fast-vm/releases/download/1.7/fast-vm_1.7_all-ubuntu20.deb
# gdebi fast-vm_1.7_all-ubuntu20.deb

2.1.8. Gentoo

Ebuilds with fast-vm are provided in ondrejhome-gentoo-overlay. Once you have enabled the overlay, you can install fast-vm with emerge.

# emerge -av app-emulation/fast-vm

2.2. Manual installation from source code

On system that doesn’t use RPM, DEB or other packaging method that fast-vm is provided in you can install fast-vm using traditional Makefile that is available in the Git repository. To install use command below to get versioned version of repository and run installation.

# git clone --depth 1 --branch 1.7 https://github.com/OndrejHome/fast-vm/
# cd fast-vm/
# make install

2.3. Updating fast-vm

Always check the notes in GitHub Release before updating to see if there were any changes requiring additional steps after update.

When using repository in Fedora/CentOS/RHEL just use the update command as show below.

# dnf update fast-vm

There is currently no update support for fast-vm on Debian/Ubuntu systems.

2.4. Uninstalling fast-vm

If you don’t like fast-vm please consider leaving me a feedback on what you didn’t like or what could be improved so you can use it.

If you have installed fast-vm from RPM or DEB then just uninstall the package.

# dnf remove fast-vm fast-vm-minimal
# yum remove fast-vm fast-vm-minimal
# apt-get remove fast-vm

If you have used manual installation there is currently no automated way of uninstalling but in general it is enough to check the Makefileand remove all files it creates in system. Additionally you can remove the directories /etc/fast-vm/, $HOME/.fast-vm/. Since version 1.4 the notes for fast-vm are not stored anymore in separate files and they are part of the description of VM in libvirt.

2.5. Configuring fast-vm

After initial installation or update of fast-vm it is highly recommended to run command below to perform configuration with validation.

# configure-fast-vm

Important: configure-fast-vm must be run as root user.

Script will create and validate configuration file /etc/fast-vm.conf. Further it will allow during initial configuration the creation of storage for fast-vm and libvirt network that will provide networking to VMs.

2.5.1. configure-fast-vm walk-through with examples

a) Start configuration script.

[root@mypc ~]# configure-fast-vm
[inf] ==>> fast-vm configuration script
You can run this script repeatedly and interrupt it with ctrl+c.
Script will always recheck all configuration options. fast-vm system configuration will be saved in /etc/fast-vm.conf.

a1) (Optional) On systemd systems, you can use fast-vm created loop device. This is useful when your system has no remaining free PEs on LVM that could be used for fast-vm. This step allows to create file in /var/lib/fast-vm/loop/ that will act as block device for LVM VG used by fast-vm.

[inf] (Optional) On systemd systems fast-vm can automatically setup loop device to provide storage for fast-vm VG. 
 This option is intended for uses where no VFree is available on system. 
[?] Would you like to start the fast-vm-loop-device.service? (y/n) [n] y
[?] Loop device (sparse file) size in GB: [51] 51
[inf] Creating 51GB file /var/lib/fast-vm/loop/device.img with VG fastvm-loopdevice.
[inf] Enabling on boot and starting now the 'fast-vm-loop-device.service' ...
  Physical volume "/dev/loop100" successfully created.
  Volume group "fastvm-loopdevice" successfully created
[inf] You should see now the new VG named 'fastvm-loopdevice'.

b) Enter on which VG the fast-vm will have thinpool LV as storage.

[?] VG for LVM thin pool
 fast-vm is using LVM thin LV to store VM images and data.
 On which existing VG should be this thin LV?
  VG                Attr   VSize   VFree
 Choose the VG with sufficient VFree space for fast-vm use (at least 10GB recommended).
 If you lack sufficient VFree space you can use the 'fastvm-loopdevice'. 
 On which existing VG should be this thin LV? 
[]: f32

c) Provide name of thinpool LV. If thinpool LV doesn’t exist script will create for you later.

[?] LVM thin pool name
 Name the thin LV on which data would be stored.
 NOTE: This can be both 'name of existing thinpool LV' or 'name for a new one'.
 If LV with this name doesn't exists, it will get created by this setup.

d) (only when thinpool LV doesn’t exit) Enter size for thinpool LV that will be created.

[?] LVM thin pool size
 You can use units understood by LVM like M,G,T.
 NOTE: This applies only when thin LV doesn't exists yet.
[50G]: 20G

e) Enter prefix that will be used for VMs created in libvirt.

[?] VM name prefix in libvirt
 Prefix is used in VM names and VM drive names.

f) Enter system group name that will be allowed to use fast-vm. Only one group is allowed.

[?] Users that want to use fast-vm must be members of following group.
 WARNING: if this group is different from 'libvirt' you would have to adjust libvirt configuration.
 Please check the fast-vm.conf(5) if setting this to something else than 'libvirt'.

g) Enter name of libvirt network that will be used by fast-vm. If network doesn’t exist the configurator will create it later.

[?] Libvirt network (bridge) name
 This configuration will create a libvirt
 network with this name providing NAT for VMs.

h) Choose the subnet number that will be used by fast-vm to allocate IP addresses.

[?] Libvirt subnet number (192.168.XX.0/24)
[22]: 23

i) Decide if fast-vm should prevent delete of machines created by other users.

[?] Only 'root' and 'owner' of VM should be able to delete VM through fast-vm?
 "yes" - only 'root' and 'owner' can delete VM
 "no" - anyone allowed to use fast-vm can delete VM (default in versions =< 0.9)

j) Decide if libguestfs appliance should be imported from Internet or generated on local machine. Note: On some systems the localy generate appliance will lack support for features that some images may require (like XFS support in EL8, SELinux support, etc.). It is recommended to import appliance provided with fast-vm for best results.

[?] Generate or Import libguestfs appliance used by hack files for this system? ('Generate' will generate appliance localy, while 'import' allows to import pre-build Fedora 29 appliance from Internet. Some fast-vm images may require the Fedora 29 otherwise their hack files fails.)
[import]: import

k) Configure default password for fast-vm keydist operation.

[?] Default password for fast-vm keydist operation (use 'none' to disable this feature) 
[testtest]: testtest

l) (only if thinpool LV didn’t existed) Configurator will ask if you wanna create the thinpool LV.

[wrn] LV 'f32/fastvm-pool' not found
Following commands would be executed to create thin pool:
  lvcreate -n fastvm-pool -L 20G f32
  lvconvert --type thin-pool f32/fastvm-pool
[?] Create now? (y/n) y
[inf] Creating ...
  Logical volume "fastvm-pool" created.
  WARNING: Converting logical volume f32/fastvm-pool to thin pool's data volume with metadata wiping.
Do you really want to convert f32/fastvm-pool? [y/n]: y
  Converted f32/fastvm-pool to thin pool.
[ok] LVM thinpool successfuly created

m) (only if libvirt network didn’t existed) Configurator will ask if to create libvirt network for fast-vm.

[?] Network fastvm-nat is not defined in libvirt, define now? (y/n) y
[inf] Creating ...
Network fastvm-nat defined from /tmp/tmp.MBoYPmWE2g.xml

Network fastvm-nat marked as autostarted

Network fastvm-nat started

[inf] fast-vm libvirt network created and autostarted

n) libguestfs appliance check and import of appliance if it was selected (default).

[inf] Running appliance test (libguestfs-test-tool)...
[err] Appliance test failed with error, check the '/tmp/tmp.wHdWOZfn3p' file for details
[inf] Downloading appliance from http://ftp.linux.cz/pub/linux/people/ondrej_famera/fastvm-images/appliance-1.45.7.tar.xz
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100  105M  100  105M    0     0  4897k      0  0:00:23  0:00:23 --:--:-- 7195k
[inf] Extracting file into /var/lib/fast-vm
[inf] Running appliance test (libguestfs-test-tool)...
[inf] Appliance test looks OK

o) End of configuration

[ok] fast-vm configured

2.5.2. (optional) Configure LVM filters

Optional but recommended is to filter out detection of LVM on the VG that holds the thinpool LV for fast-vm. For example if you use VG f30 then following entries can be add into LVM filter =.


Example of incorporating the above filter into /etc/lvm/lvm.conf.

devices {
   filter = [ "r|/dev/f30/.*|", "r|/dev/mapper/f30-.*|", "a|.*|" ]

NOTE: Final filter configuration depends heavily on your environment/system.

2.6. UEFI boot support with OVMF

To use libvirt with UEFI boot a special firmware is required. fast-vm` doesn’t require any special configuration for UEFI boot except of having needed firmware and image that was pre-installed with UEFI support. More on how to install UEFI firmware into libvirt check Fedora: Using UEFI with QEMU article.

To use images provided by the Author with UEFI on Fedora following steps needs to be taken.

1a. (Fedora 30+, Debian 10, Ubuntu 18/20) No action needed, needed packages are installed as dependency of fast-vm.

1b. (CentOS/RHEL 7) Download the edk2.git-ovmf-x64-xxxxx.noarch.rpm from OVMF generated RPMs and install it manualy using yum.

1c. (CentOS/RHEL 8) While CentOS/RHEL 8 has package edk2-ovmf containing firmware files. This package at the moment provide only secure-boot version of firmware requiring different VM machine type (q35). To support images before q35 machines download the edk2.git-ovmf-x64-xxxxx.noarch.rpm from OVMF generated RPMs and install it manualy using yum. Check GitHub Issue 48 for more details.

2. (CentOS/RHEL 8)Ensure that /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf contains following variable with value below.

nvram = [

3a. (Fedora 30+, Debian 10, Ubuntu 18/20) Ensure that variable from previous steps is pointing to correct firmware files. With default installation no additional commands are needed.

# ls -l /usr/share/OVMF/OVMF_{CODE,VARS}.fd
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root /usr/share/OVMF/OVMF_CODE.fd -> ../edk2/ovmf/OVMF_CODE.fd
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root /usr/share/OVMF/OVMF_VARS.fd -> ../edk2/ovmf/OVMF_VARS.fd

3b. (CentOS/RHEL 7) Ensure that variable from previous steps is pointing to correct firmware files. When using package from OVMF generated RPMs. the following additional commands are needed.

# mkdir /usr/share/OVMF  # as this directory is usually not present on system
# ln -s /usr/share/edk2.git/ovmf-x64/OVMF_CODE-pure-efi.fd /usr/share/OVMF/OVMF_CODE.fd
# ln -s /usr/share/edk2.git/ovmf-x64/OVMF_VARS-pure-efi.fd /usr/share/OVMF/OVMF_VARS.fd

3c. (CentOS/RHEL 8) Adjust links in /usr/share/OVMF/ with commands below. Note that steps will need to be repeated when the edk2-ovmf package is updated or reinstalled.

# rm /usr/share/OVMF/OVMF_VARS.fd
# ln -s /usr/share/edk2.git/ovmf-x64/OVMF_CODE-pure-efi.fd /usr/share/OVMF/OVMF_CODE.fd
# ln -s /usr/share/edk2.git/ovmf-x64/OVMF_VARS-pure-efi.fd /usr/share/OVMF/OVMF_VARS.fd
# ls -l /usr/share/OVMF/OVMF_{CODE,VARS}.fd
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root /usr/share/OVMF/OVMF_CODE.fd -> /usr/share/edk2.git/ovmf-x64/OVMF_CODE-pure-efi.fd
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root /usr/share/OVMF/OVMF_VARS.fd -> /usr/share/edk2.git/ovmf-x64/OVMF_VARS-pure-efi.fd

3. Basic operations in fast-vm

3.1. Accessing the VMs

There are 3 ways discussed in this guide on how to access your VM created by fast-vm. In most cases you will need to know password of some user on VM to which you are connecting. To find which user and password to use with such VMs check with provider of Image. Author of fast-vm uses most commonly user ‘root’ with password ‘testtest’ in images that he provides, however it doesn’t apply to all systems so check carefully with provider of Image to know how to access the VMs. This guide will assume the use of account ‘root’ with password ‘testtest’.

3.1.1. Accessing VMs using SSH or other remote connection protocols running on VM

Each VM will be assigned IP address by DHCP from local subnet that ends with VM_number. For example if your VM_number is 42 and the subnet used by fast-vm is, then your VM will be assigned address by DHCP. To figure out which address is assigned to your VM you can also use command below to print the IP of your VM.

# fast-vm info <VM_number>
# fast-vm info 42
[42][inf] IP:

If you would like to login using SSH as root to your VM you can use shortcut command below.

# fast-vm ssh <VM_number> 
# fast-vm ssh 42
[42][inf] checking the for active SSH connection (ctrl+c to interrupt)
[42]SSH ready
Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
root@'s password:

This command provides following advantages over normal SSH connection:

  • Waits for SSH on your VM to become available and probe for availability every second. Once SSH is ready then connect (this is equivalent of trying ssh root@>your_machine_ip< manually until you succeed).
  • Ignore any SSH keys stored in ‘known_hosts’ file - especially useful if you re-use same VM_number and you don’t want to be bothered with updating ‘known_hosts’ file.fast-vm bypasses saving of the SSH key into ‘known_hosts’ file.

3.1.2. Accessing VMs using serial console

Most of images provided by Author for fast-vm are pre-configured to provide serial console access. This allows you to connect via virtual serial port to text console of your VM. This is useful when VM network is not working and provides you also with access to GRUB boot menu. Compared with graphical console access discussed in next section you have ability to copy and paste text easily from serial console.

To access serial console of machine use command below

# fast-vm console <VM_number>
# fast-vm console 42
Connected to domain 'fastvm-alma-8.8-42'
Escape character is ^] (Ctrl + ])

To get out of serial console of machine use escape sequence ctrl + ](‘ctrl’ key and ‘right squared bracket’ key)

3.1.3. Accessing VMs using graphical console (Spice/VNC)

Depending on Image this access might not be configured (for example headless systems with serial console only provided by Author). There is no dedicated command to launch connection to VM using graphical console.

The simplest way on how to get access to graphical console even when the fast-vm server is the remote system is to use GUI virt-manager which has integrated access to graphical console.

3.2. Creating VMs

To create VM you need to know 2 things:

  • name of image or profile you want to use
  • know one VM_number on fast-vm server that is not in use

To list available images and profiles you can use commands below

# fast-vm-image list
# fast-vm-image list_profiles

To list VM_numbers that are already in use you can use the command below

# fast-vm list

Once you have needed information the creation of VM is done using command below

# fast-vm create <image_name or profile_name> <VM_number>

TIP: To make things easier the fast-vm /fast-vm-image provides bash command completion for both image/profile names and list of free VM_numbers. (just use TAB key to show possible options). Bash completion will also show ‘only the free VM_numbers’ when creating VM.

3.3. Starting and stopping VMs

Once VM exists you can start it using command below.

# fast-vm start <VM_number>
[42][inf] starting VM fastvm-alma-8.8-42 (
Domain 'fastvm-alma-8.8-42' started

To forcefully stop VM you can use command below.

# fast-vm stop <VM_number>
# fast-vm stop 42
[99][inf] Stopping VM fastvm-alma-8.8-42 now
Domain 'fastvm-alma-8.8-42' destroyed

To gracefully stop your VM you can add word ‘graceful’ to the end of stop command like below. This will send ACPI shutdown signal to VM instead of forcefully killing it. If OS can recognize this ACPI singal it will initiate appropriate action (usually graceful shutdown of system).

# fast-vm stop <VM_number> graceful
# fast-vm stop 42 graceful
[42][inf] Sending ACPI shutdown event to fastvm-alma-8.8-42
Domain 'fastvm-alma-8.8-42' is being shutdown

3.4. Deleting VMs

If you don’t need the VM any more then you can delete it using command below.

# fast-vm delete <VM_number>
# fast-vm delete 42
[42][inf] removing DHCP reservation for 52:54:00:0f:a2:28
Updated network fastvm-nat persistent config and live state
[42][inf] removing VM drive
[42][inf] removing SSH keys for this machine from ~/.ssh/known_hosts
[42][inf] undefining VM fastvm-alma-8.8-42 from libvirt
Domain 'fastvm-alma-8.8-42' has been undefined

[42][ok] VM 'fastvm-alma-8.8-42' deleted

WARNING: You will NOT be prompted to confirm the VM deletion. VM can be deleted anytime - regardless if it is running or not.

By default fast-vm will prevent you from deleting VMs that created byt another users (does not apply to situation when running as root). For more information check the option FASTVM_OWNER_ONLY_DELETE in man page.

3.5. Listing VMs on fast-vm server

To list the VMs on fast-vm server created by you and other users use command below.

# fast-vm list

This command will show list or VMs ordered by VM_number along with Image name from which the VMs were created, current VM status (running/stopped), Profile name using which was VM created if any,Size of VM primary disk and spaced used by it on LVM storage, last time that there was Activity with this VM using the fast-vm commands and VM Notes containing the name of owner who created the VM and any additional notes for given VM.

Example fast-vm list output

VM# Image name      Status       Profile_name    Size( %used )  Activity  Notes
 21 centos-7.6      shut off     ---               6g( 24.78%)    3d ago  ondrej: CentOS 7.6 minimal
 22 centos-7.6      shut off     centos-g-7.6      6g( 27.22%)   12d ago  ondrej: CentOS 7.6 with graphical console
 23 fedora30        running      ---               6g( 18.63%)    0d ago  root: some other running machine with Fedora 30

3.6. Creating and editing VM notes

Sometimes VM_numbers might not be enough to contain enough information to identify the VM therefore you can assign your VM a note using command below

# fast-vm edit_note <VM_number> "your_note_as_single_parameter"

This note will be shown in listing of VMs and also it will be included in the libvirt ‘visible name’ so some clients such as ‘virt-manager’ can show it to help you to identify your VM.

3.7. Importing images into fast-vm using fast-vm-image

Note: from fast-vm-1.7 the image operations moved from fast-vm command to fast-vm-image command.

The main thing in fast-vm are Images which provides the templates upon which we create new VMs. It is possible to create you own Image or you can import some premade ones. Below is link for some images pre-made by Author.

Public fast-vm images created by the Author

To import simple image into fast-vm you can use command below.

# fast-vm-image import <Image_name> <path_or_URL_to_Image_file> <path_or_URL_to_libvirt_XML>

Images can be optionally imported with additional 2 parameter specifying the scripts that should be run when the VM is created and deleted. (Images provided by Author uses only scripts during VM creation to provide access to serial console and some minimal customization such as hostname and networking setup)

Example of importing image of CentOS 7.6 with script used during VM creation from Authors site.

# fast-vm-image import centos-7.6 http://ftp.linux.cz/pub/linux/people/ondrej_famera/fastvm-images/generated/6g__centos-7.6.img.xz https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OndrejHome/fast-vm-public-images/master/centos/xml/centos-6.3-current.xml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OndrejHome/fast-vm-public-images/master/centos/hacks/6g_centos-7-hacks.sh

3.8. Importing and using Profiles

Profiles in fast-vm are used to provide templates with same Image file as existing Images but with different set of libvirt XML, creation/deletion scripts. This is useful when you have for example several HW configurations for same system that you would like to use so you don’t have to import the same Image twice (meaning taking up disk space twice).

To import a profile you can use command below.

# fast-vm-image import_profile <ProfileName> <ImageName> <PathToLibvirtXML> <PathToHacksFile> <PathToDeleteHackFile>

Last two parameters are optional the same way as when importing the Image.

3.9. Resizing the disks of VMs and Images (from fast-vm-1.2)

In case you want to change the size of disks in either Image or existing VM you can use one of the following commands to do so:

Resizing the disk of fast-vm VM to new value

# fast-vm resize <VM_number> <New_disk_size_in_GB>

Resizing the disk of fast-vm imported Image.

# fast-vm-image resize <Image_name> <New_Image_disk_size_in_GB>

WARNING: fast-vm will resize the disk regardless of the position of data on it which means that you can loose data if they are not within new disk size.

If the Image disk size is changed the VMs newly created from it will have this new size. Old VMs will be unaffected by the Image disk size change.

3.10. Verifying imported images and generating image checksums (from fast-vm-1.7)

To ensure that imported images are same as ones distributed by Auther or other image creator, fast-vm is from version 1.7 automatically looking for file named <ImageName>.part_00.sha512.txt in same location as imported image (for both images imported from http/https links and localy). If such file is found, then fast-vm verify <ImageName> is automatically executed after import of image. If file is not present you will notice during image import error message below that is safe to ignore.

[__][err] part_00 checksum file not found

If the checksum files are present you will see output similar to one below during image import.

[__][ok] Verifying image ImageName (6) using checksums from xxxx
[__][inf] part_00 checksum OK
[__][inf] part_01 checksum OK
[__][inf] part_02 checksum OK
[__][inf] part_03 checksum OK
[__][inf] part_04 checksum OK
[__][inf] part_05 checksum OK
[__][inf] part_06 checksum OK
[__][ok] CHECK SUMMARY:   OK: 7  FAIL: 0  MISSING: 0

You can also invoke image verification manually with command fast-vm-image verify <ImageName> <ChecksumsLocation>. Last provided argument should point to local directory or URL directory containing the checksum files. To create checksum files for existing image you can use command fast-vm-image gen_checksums <ImageName> that will generate checksum files for selected image.

3.10.1. What to do when image checksums FAILS

First of all don’t panic. There can be legimit reasons for checksums failure:

  • checksum file might be missing
  • after importing the image fast-vm-image compact <ImageName> was used on image
  • other desirred modification were made to image after it was imported (for example by using base VM to make modifications to image)

If there are missing checksum files during import you can generaly continue using image and see if there are any issues.

If there is checksum failed during image import then the image seems to be not same as one for which checksums were generated and there is risk that Image will not work properly or that it may contain something that shold not be there. If possible delete the image (fast-vm-image delete <ImageName>) and try to import image again to see if that resolves the situation.

4. Advanced operations

This part of guide covers some advanced use cases for fast-vm. Note that this is not exhaustive list of all possibilities and in general as long as you don’t change the naming of VMs you can editing anything that libvirt allows to customize your VMs.

4.1. Using virt-manager to manage and access fast-vm VMs

GUI application ‘virt-manager’ can be used to connect to fast-vm server,access VMs and edit them. Further virt-manager allows you to access serial and graphical console of VMs, create custom networks, change VM hardware and much more.

When fast-vm server is the same as machine from which you want to connect there is no special configuration needed in most of cases. If you cannot see the VMs created by fast-vm then check if you are connecting to local libvirt URI qemu:///system.

When fast-vm server is remote machine then ensure you have a SSH access to user on that machine that can use fast-vm. Once you have this one then you can create connection to this server in virt-manager following way.

  1. From top menu select File -> Add Connection ...
  2. In window that opens use following values:
    • Hypervisor: QEMU/KVM
    • check the checkbox Connect to remote host
    • Method: SSH
    • Username: <your SSH user for remote server>
    • Hostname: < password for this SSH user>
    • (optionaly) check the checkbox Autoconnect
  3. Click on Connect button
  4. Access VMs same way as with normal virt-manager

WARNING: By default access via ‘virt-manager’ is unrestricted and you may use nearly any feature of libvirt provided on fast-vm server. This is provided for flexibility but doing intentionally bad changes can impact the whole fast-vm server so think before making any changes.

Other features and limitations using virt-manager

  • virt-manager doesn’t provide ability to create VMs same way as fast-vm does.
  • VM names are shown in format <VM_number> <VM note containing VM owner>
  • When upgrading from very old version of fast-vm some VMs might not have populated the names correctly which can be fixed by assigning them notes from fast-vm
  • VM visible names are not propagated to fast-vm server and are always overwritten by fast-vm edit_note command.
  • From version 1.4 fast-vm stores metadata in the description field provided by libvirt in the VM. If this data are inconsistent the fast-vm will replace them and make VM owner to be ‘root’.

4.2. Using virsh to access and manage fast-vm VMs

To use virsh with fast-vm you would have to specify a special connection string to let know it where the fast-vm server is.

For local fast-vm server you can use the command below

# virsh --connect qemu:///system <virsh_command>

For remote fast-vm server you can use the command below

# virsh --connect qemu+ssh://user@remote_system/system <virsh_command>

Same limitation as for virt-manager applies here.

Example of accessing serial console of VM on local and remote hypervisor using virsh:

# virsh --connect qemu:///system console fastvm-alma-8.8-42
# virsh --connect qemu+ssh://user@remote_system/system console fastvm-alma-8.8-42

4.3. Creating custom Images for fast-vm

fast-vm is made the way that it provides support for creating your own Images for use and sharing with others and aims at making this one of its main features.

The process of creating custom Image can be summarized into following steps which are described more in detail in man page (man fast-vm) section ‘CREATING CUSTOM IMAGES’.

  1. Creating libvirt XML for future VMs
  2. Importing empty image and giving it name to start with.
  3. Creating base VM that can be used for accessing directly the empty Image.
  4. Export of Image into archive for sharing.
  5. (optional) Creation of scripts that are run on VM creation/deletion.

4.4. Extending thinpool LV used by fast-vm

NOTE: It is NOT possible to shrink the thinpool LV.

There are 2 things that can be extended in thinpool LV - data LV and metadata LV. In both cases the procedure documented in lvmthin man page should be used. See the examples below:

man lvmthin - Manually manage free data space of thin pool LV:

# vgs
  VG                #PV #LV #SN Attr   VSize   VFree
  c8vg                1   3   0 wz--n- 30.00g  20.00g
# lvs
  LV          VG   Attr       LSize   Pool Origin  Data%  Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert
  fastvm-pool c8vg twi-a-tz--  10.00g              30.02   10.55
# lvextend -L+10G c8vg/fastvm-pool
  Size of logical volume c8vg/fastvm-pool_tdata changed from 10.00 GiB (2560 extents) to 20.00 GiB (5120 extents).
  Logical volume c8vg/fastvm-pool successfully resized.
# lvs
  LV          VG   Attr       LSize   Pool Origin  Data%  Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert
  fastvm-pool c8vg twi-a-tz--  20.00g              15.01   10.55

man lvmthin - Manually manage free metadata space of a thin pool LV:

# lvs -a
  LV                  VG    Attr       LSize   Pool Origin  Data%  Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert
  fastvm-pool         c8vg  twi-a-tz--  20.00g              15.01   10.55
  [fastvm-pool_tdata] c8vg  Twi-ao----  20.00g
  [fastvm-pool_tmeta] c8vg  ewi-ao----  16.00m
# lvextend --poolmetadatasize +16M c8vg/fastvm-pool
  Size of logical volume c8vg/fastvm-pool_tmeta changed from 16.00 MiB (4 extents) to 32.00 MiB (8 extents).
  Logical volume c8vg/fastvm-pool_tmeta successfully resized.
# lvs -a
  LV                  VG    Attr       LSize   Pool Origin  Data%  Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert
  fastvm-pool         c8vg  twi-a-tz--  20.00g              15.01   10.28
  [fastvm-pool_tdata] c8vg  Twi-ao----  20.00g
  [fastvm-pool_tmeta] c8vg  ewi-ao----  32.00m

4.4.1. Extending loop device provided by fast-vm-loop-device.service

If you are using fast-vm-loop-device.service to provide loop device for fast-vm storage, the before previous procedure for extending thin pool can be used the loop device needs to be extended. To extend the loop device you can follow procedure below.

1) Stop the VG on top of loop device

# vgchange -an fastvm-loopdevice
  0 logical volume(s) in volume group "fastvm-loopdevice" now active

2) Stop the fast-vm-loop-device.service service.

# systemctl stop fast-vm-loop-device.service

3) Extend the loop device size. Following commands will make device 10GB larger than it was before. IMPORTANT: Make sure that + (plus sign) is present, otherwise the truncate command will change the size instead of extending it and DATA LOSS may occur!

# du --apparent-size -h /var/lib/fast-vm/loop/device.img
51G	/var/lib/fast-vm/loop/device.img
# truncate -s +10G /var/lib/fast-vm/loop/device.img
# du --apparent-size -h /var/lib/fast-vm/loop/device.img
61G	/var/lib/fast-vm/loop/device.img

4) Start the fast-vm-loop-device.service service.

# systemctl start fast-vm-loop-device.service

5) Resize the PV and check that new size is visible.

# pvresize /dev/loop100
  Physical volume "/dev/loop100" changed
  1 physical volume(s) resized or updated / 0 physical volume(s) not resized
# pvs /dev/loop100
  PV           VG                Fmt  Attr PSize   PFree  
  /dev/loop100 fastvm-loopdevice lvm2 a--  <61.00g 10.00g

6) Continue with procedure in 4.4. Extending thinpool LV used by fast-vm to extend the thinpool.

5. Detailed fast-vm architecture

Below you will find some more technical aspects of fast-vm that are aimed at providing information for those who would like to interact with fast-vm on low level or tighten up its security aspects. Author believes that for example access to libvirt could be configured using rules from policykit and would gladly accept any contribution in this area if someone is interested.

5.1. Security information

fast-vm is using following commands from virsh (libvirt):

  • list - listing the VMs under fast-vm control
  • destroy - forcefully shutdown VMs
  • shutdown - gracefully shutdown VMs
  • start - start VMs
  • console - provide access to serial console of VMs
  • define, dumpxml - define new VMs and get their basic data
  • net-update - create static DHCP leases for VMs\
  • desc - update VM notes in libvirt definition
  • undefine - delete VMs
  • net-info, net-define, net-autostart, net-start, net-dumpxml - used by configure-fast-vm script for initial configuration, not needed during normal operations

Further following actions requires giving user the root priviliges using sudo. All of these privileges are checked within scripts to match the configuration so the access is limited to fast-vm things only.

  • lvcreate - creation of LVs for Images and VM disks
  • lvremove - removal of LVs for Images and VM disk
  • chgrp - allow access to LVs created by fast-vm to group of users so they can modify it without root privileges
  • dhcp_release - sending DHCP release packet to libvirt so the static DHCP lease can be cleared once the VM is undefined
  • lvs - get information about disk sizes and utilization
  • lvresize - resize of LVs for Images and VM disks

6. fast-vm-server documentation

This part of documentation describes best practices on how to use fast-vm in mutli user environment and how to deploy fast-vm in automated and scalable way.

6.1. fast-vm-server: automated fast-vm deployment overview

fast-vm-server ansible role provides a solution how to deploy fast-vm in automated (unattended) way and also how to deploy it on larger amount of machines. This role deals only with following things:

  • fast-vm installation and configuration
  • installation and configuration of additional features that can be used with fast-vm such as
    • fence_virtd to allow use with High-Availability clusters that needs to be able to reboot VMs for proper operation
    • installation of custom version of qemu-kvm and seabios-bin that provides support for LSI and MegaRAID SAS controllets that are not available in packages from CentOS/RHEL
    • OVMF UEFI firmware for use with UEFI fast-vm VMs

fast-vm-server ansible role doesn’t deal with setting up user authentication to system nor for importing the fast-vm images into this new system. For importing images there is ongoing work to provide ansible role that will be dealing only with that.

6.2. fast-vm-server installation example

All possibilities configuration options for the fast-vm-server role can be found in the README of the role. By default all features are enables and only minimum of configuration options needs to be changed to get from minimal system to system with functional fast-vm. The single options that would need to be customized on most of the systems is fastvm_vg VG that will contain fast-vm thin LV pool. Rest of options can be left in defaults or tweaked as needed.

Example playbook with default installation containing all features and 50GB thinpool LV placed on VG my_vg will look like below. (there must be at least 50GB of free space on my_vg VG or the size can be changed using option fastvm_lv_size)

Example of install-fast-vm-server.yml:

- hosts: servers
  remote_user: root
    - { role: 'ondrejhome.fast-vm-server', fastvm_vg: 'my_vg' }

Example of fast-vm-server.hosts:


To run the installation with above examples you can use command below:

# ansible-playbook -i fast-vm-server.hosts install-fast-vm-server.yml

6.3. Using fast-vm on systems with SSSD

It is possible to use SSSD for providing centralized users and groups on systems that will run the fast-vm. In case that user wants to use the fast-vm then it must be part of group that is allowed to use fast-vm. In case that this cannot be changed centraly then use the sss_override to make a primary group of such (centrally managed) user to be a group allowed to use fast-vm. This can be done using the command sss_override. Below example shows changing primary group of user ‘myuser’ (assuming that group allowed to access the fast-vm has GID 500):

# sss_override user-add myuser -g 500

User will need to re-login and the sssd daemon may need to be restarted for this change to take effect.

Adding user to group in local /etc/group file may not work properly since fast-vm-1.3 that uses sg command for some operations. This is mitigated in fast-vm-1.3.1.

6.4. Exposing fast-vm systems to external network via bridge

In some situations it may be desirable for fast-vm machines to be accessible directly from same network as the hypervisor running them is reachable. This can be achieved by configuring the hypervisor OS (in this example CentOS/RHEL 7) to connect to network via software bridge to which the fast-vm can be also attached. Assuming that (fast-vm) hypervisor connects now to network via DHCP using using interface eth0 the commands below will create the new software bridge that will contain only interface eth0 and will use DHCP to get address. Before attempting commands below make sure that you can access machine via other means if the network configuration fails for any reason. The resulting configuration will be using system-bridge software bridge for obtaining IP address and will delete profile with eth0 configuration.

# nmcli con add type bridge ifname system-bridge con-name system-bridge bridge.stp no
Connection 'system-bridge' (11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555) successfully added.
# nmcli con add type bridge-slave ifname eth0 master system-bridge
Connection 'bridge-slave-eth0' (66666666-7777-8888-9999-000000000000) successfully added.
# nmcli con up system-bridge
Connection successfully activated (master waiting for slaves) (D-Bus active path: /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/ActiveConnection/XXX)
# nmcli con del eth0
Connection 'eth0' (aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee) successfully deleted.

State of network configuration before and after applying above commands

# ip a
2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast master system-bridge state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether 52:54:00:xx:xx:xx brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet 192.168.22.xxx/24 brd scope global noprefixroute dynamic eth0
# nmcli con show
NAME  UUID                                  TYPE      DEVICE
eth0  aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee  ethernet  eth0

# ip a
2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast master system-bridge state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether 52:54:00:xx:xx:xx brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
3: system-bridge: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether 52:54:00:xx:xx:xx brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet 192.168.22.xxx/24 brd scope global noprefixroute dynamic system-bridge
# nmcli con show
NAME                  UUID                                  TYPE      DEVICE
system-bridge         11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555  bridge    system-bridge
bridge-slave-eth0     66666666-7777-8888-9999-000000000000  ethernet  eth0

Once the system-bridge software bridge is setup and operational you can use interface in the XML definition of the fast-vm` as shown below.

<domain type='kvm'>
    <interface type='bridge'>
      <mac address='52:54:00:be:ef:VM_HEX_NUMBER'/>
      <source bridge='system-bridge'/>
      <model type='virtio'/>

If you are using the XML files from fast-vm-public-images GitHub repository then check out CentOS README and RHEL README for more information on how to used pre-made profiles with 2 network card configuration that has one of the network cards connected to system-bridge software bridge.

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